About the barcode bulletin

Illuminating the science, stories, and people driving DNA barcoding research

The Barcode Bulletin is an editorially-independent online publication supported by the International Barcode of Life (iBOL) Consortium to promote public understanding of DNA barcoding and its diverse applications. 
We are committed to sharing compelling scientific stories from around the world with the aim of strengthening the DNA barcoding community, facilitating knowledge-sharing amongst scientists and society, and enhancing our understanding of planetary biodiversity. 

The Barcode Bulletin is a science and research news platform produced by the International Barcode of Life Secretariat. Content is produced by researchers and collaborators working on the frontlines of biodiversity science, using DNA-based methods and technologies for species identification and analysis.

Our primary reporting areas cover terrestrial, marine, and freshwater environments. We also inform our readers about new technological developments, scientific discoveries, special research missions, and researcher profiles.

Our readership includes scientists and researchers, policymakers, governments, business leaders, and people working in conservation and ecology.

The Barcode Bulletin is an editorially-independent publication that is updated regularly with new content.

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Our articles are permanently stored on the Open Journal Sytems platform hosted by the University of Guelph Library

Michelle Lynn D'Souza

Michelle Lynn D'Souza

Scientific Editor

Want to join us?

Collaborate with this dynamic team and help us tell the compelling stories behind DNA barcoding research.

Email bulletin@ibol.org for more information. 


We are looking for senior researchers from our international community to help guide our vision.


We welcome researchers and journalists with a passion for scientific storytelling to help recruit  and edit content.

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